

welcome新2登录 is committed to protecting the privacy of 信息 that you provide to us through the welcome新2登录 website. This 隐私政策 outlines what we collect and how we may use the 信息 we collect when you visit the welcome新2登录 website.


如果您提供某些信息,我们可能会收集这些信息来识别您的身份, 比如你的名字, 出生日期, 社会安全号码, 电话号码, 电子邮件地址, 物理地址, 银行账户信息, credit card 信息 or any combination of 信息 that could be used to identify you (collectively, 的身份证号).


welcome新2登录尊重每个访问我们网站的个人的隐私. welcome新2登录基斯不卖, 租金, 将您的个人资料提供或出借予任何第三方(代理人除外), contractors or service providers of the welcome新2登录 School) unless we have your (or your pa租金's or guardian's) consent or are required by subpoena, 法院命令或法律程序这样做. 我们保持适当的安全措施,以防止损失, 滥用, 以及更改我们控制下的个人身份信息.



  • 您提供给我们的信息
    有效地与我们网站的访客沟通, 我们可能会要求您提供包括PII在内的信息. 当你使用welcome新2登录网站申请入学信息时, 向welcome新2登录基斯赠送礼物或捐款, 从学校商店购买一件物品, 注册一个活动或注册一个服务,如校友目录, 信息, 包括PII, 可要求. 此信息用于获取付款和/或满足访问者的请求.
  • 自动收集的信息
    Unless you take steps to browse the Internet anonymously welcome新2登录 can track web browsing patterns of website visitors when you log on to the welcome新2登录 website to better understand how our site is being used. 我们收集的信息是基于您的互联网协议(“IP”)地址, and is not linked to your specific 电子邮件地址 in any of the reports or other material compiled by welcome新2登录. Your IP address is a series of numbers that identifies the location of each computer or network. 因为IP地址是特定于机器的,所以它本身不是PII. 我们收集的信息可能包括浏览器类型, 提出要求的日期和时间, 花在网站上的平均时间, 浏览过的网页和您可能提出的任何查询. We do not associate your IP address and web usage data with any other 信息 held by welcome新2登录 that can specifically identify you unless required to do so by law.
  • 饼干
    饼干 are small data files that a website commonly places on a visitor’s hard drive to identify the user when he or she returns. 一般信息是通过使用cookie收集的, 评估使用情况和流量模式,以便我们可以改进内容和分发. Your browser may be set to warn you before accepting cookies and you can choose to refuse cookies by selecting that option in your browser, 然而, 这样做可能会使您无法使用我们网站的全部功能.


  • 服务
    我们收集信息的主要目的是向您提供服务和信息. 我们可能会使用您提供的个人信息来满足您对产品的要求, 计划和服务,并回应有关我们产品的询问.
  • 网站改进或更改
    We might use PII and 信息 gathered automatically to improve your experience on the welcome新2登录 website, to inform you of changes to the website or to provide you other news and 信息 about our services and school that we believe would be of interest to you.
  • 分析
    welcome新2登录 uses a tool called “Google 分析” to collect 信息 about your use of this site. 谷歌分析收集用户访问本网站的频率等信息, 当他们这样做时,他们访问了什么页面, 以及他们在访问这个网站之前使用的其他网站. We use the 信息 we get from Google 分析 only to improve this site and its functionality. Google 分析 collects only the IP address assigned to you on the date you visit this site, 而不是您的姓名或其他识别信息. 我们不会将通过使用谷歌分析收集的信息与个人身份信息相结合. Although Google 分析 plants a permanent cookie on your web browser to identify you as a unique user the next time you visit this site, cookie只能被谷歌使用. Google’s ability to use and share 信息 collected by Google 分析 about your visits to this site is restricted by the Google 分析 Terms of Use and the Google 隐私政策. Google 分析服务条款可在以下网址获得 http://www.google.com/analytics/tos.html. 谷歌隐私政策可在以下网址获得 http://www.google.com/privacypolicy.html. You can prevent Google 分析 from recognizing you on return visits to this site by disabling cookies on your browser. 传输给谷歌的信息不包括个人身份信息.


welcome新2登录 may disclose PII to respond to legal requirements and enforce our school rules and policies. 这些信息将按照适用的法律法规进行披露.


  • Agents, contractors and/or service providers for welcome新2登录 who assist with our operations (e.g., the service provider that handles fulfillment of credit card purchases made via the welcome新2登录 website);
  • 执法人员或其他政府官员, in response to a verified request relating to an investigation or alleged illegal activity;
  • Third parties that provide a valid subpoena or court order; or
  • 您(或您的父母或监护人)要求或授权的第三方.


我们的网站提供了与welcome新2登录无关的其他网站的链接. 这些网站有自己的安全政策、使用条款和隐私政策. If you choose to visit one of these websites you should review the policies of that particular site. welcome新2登录不对此类网站的隐私惯例或内容负责.


welcome新2登录遵守1998年儿童在线隐私保护法(“COPPA”). COPPA requires that website operators never knowingly request PII from anyone under the age of 13 without requesting verifiable pa租金al consent. In accordance with COPPA, we do not knowingly collect any PII from children under the age of 13. 如果我们确定本网站的用户未满13岁, 我们不会维护或使用他或她的个人信息.


当您使用welcome新2登录网站时, we make good faith efforts to provide you with access to your PII and either to correct this data if it is inaccurate or to delete such data at your request if it is not otherwise required to be retained by law or for legitimate business purposes. We ask individual users to identify themselves and the 信息 requested to be accessed, 在处理这些请求之前纠正或删除, 我们可能会拒绝处理不合理的重复性或系统性的请求, 需要不成比例的技术努力, 危害他人隐私的, 或者是非常不切实际的(例如), 关于驻留在备份磁带上的信息的请求), 或其他不需要访问的. 在任何情况下,我们提供的信息查阅和更正, 我们免费提供这项服务, 除非这样做需要付出不成比例的努力. 因为我们维护某些服务的方式, 在您删除您的信息后, residual copies may take a period of time before they are deleted from our active servers and may remain in our backup systems. 如果您希望访问或更新您的信息,请联系 webeditor@welcome新2登录.org.


welcome新2登录保留权利, 自行决定, 修改本隐私政策的全部或部分内容, 在任何时候. 我们将在隐私政策生效前30天发布实质性变更. Your continued use of the website after any changes to the 隐私政策 have been become effective will be considered acceptance of those changes. When we make changes we will also revise the "last modified" date at the top of the 隐私政策 page. 我们鼓励您定期查看本隐私政策.


In addition to protecting the privacy of 信息 you provide to the School through activity on the website as detailed above, welcome新2登录 is also committed to protecting the privacy of people who appear in images posted by the School on the Internet.

welcome新2登录 respects the privacy of every constituent who accesses our website and social media properties, 包括但不限于以下网址:

The School occasionally posts images on the website or on social media sites of constituents – in particular, 校友和在校生. 未经允许,我们不会在图片中标明学生的姓名. 我们不张贴, 或者允许选民发帖, 可能被认为不合适或令人尴尬的图片.

We will honor all requests by users who wish to have images of themselves removed from the website or social media sites. 如有此要求,请联系 webeditor@welcome新2登录.org.


如果您对隐私政策有任何疑问,请发送电子邮件至 webeditor@welcome新2登录.org.