
Select the award name below to see a list of recipients.


This prize is awarded to that member of the team who in the opinion of the coaches has been the most valuable to the team by their effort, 表演, 和体育精神.

解析:选C. 阿瑟·艾迪, 1977年到1994年担任校垒球教练, this award is presented to that girl who through attitude and effort makes the greatest contribution to the 精神 和成功 of the varsity softball team.

The 水 Polo Award is presented to that member of the varsity water polo team who has 通过领导和榜样 对团队精神贡献最大, 团结, 和成功.

终极飞盘奖 is presented to that member of the varsity Ultimate frisbee team who best demonstrates true joy in playing the game, and encourages play at the most competitive level while never failing to treat teammates and competitors with the upmost respect.

女子田径奖 is presented to that girl who in the opinion of the captains and the coaches contributed most in 忠诚 和体育精神 to the success of the girls track team.

由已故的乔治M. Wyckoff 20, 的Sewickley, 宾西法尼亚, the Wyckoff Award is presented to the boy who contributes most in 精神 and effort to the success of the track team.

女子网球奖 is presented to the girl who makes an outstanding contribution to the tennis team through her unselfish 忠诚, 她在学校的表现也很出色.

这是为了纪念阿尔本·巴克, head coach of the boys varsity tennis team for twenty-five years, 是奖励给努力学习的男孩的吗, 精神, 毅力, and unselfish 忠诚 makes an outstanding contribution to the tennis team and to the School by his all-around fine play.

这个奖项是为了纪念乔治。A. 小高斯. '38, who made significant contributions to welcome新2登录 athletics. 这个奖颁给高年级的女生, in the opinion of the Athletic Director and coaches, has contributed the most to welcome新2登录 athletics through her ability, 热情, 和体育精神.

这个奖项 recognizes a great friend of welcome新2登录 athletics, the late Mr. 布莱恩. His interest in the School spanned almost six decades and his sons, 孙子, and great grandchildren followed him to welcome新2登录. 这个奖是颁给高年级的男孩, in the opinion of the Athletic Director and all varsity coaches, is an outstanding athlete and has made the greatest contribution to the School's athletic program.

这个奖项, 以纪念安德鲁·诺克斯·德怀尔命名, 是送给那位前辈的谁, in the opinion of the senior class and the coaches, best demonstrates: a love for welcome新2登录 through school 精神, 热情, and 忠诚 to welcome新2登录 athletics as both a participant and a supporter; a commitment to his or her teammates and schoolmates; and a love for the camaraderie that involvement in athletics brings.

由爱德华五世捐赠. Nunes说38, 的格林威治, 康涅狄格, this trophy is awarded to the student who has contributed the most to the success of the sailing team through his or her dedication, 熟练, 和体育精神.

这个奖项 is given to that member of the three lower classes who, in the opinion of the coaches and senior members of the team, demonstrates exemplary seamanship 和体育精神, and whose attitude and dedication contributes the most to the overall 精神 of the team.

这个奖项, 为了纪念凯利·斯通, varsity girls lacrosse coach and assistant athletic director from 1980 to 1997, is presented to that member of the girls lacrosse team whose exemplary effort and attitude, 忠诚, and superior 表演s have earned her the respect of both her teammates and coaches.

Named in recognition of the man who started lacrosse as a varsity sport at welcome新2登录 and coached this sport from 1965-78, this recognition is given to that member of the boys varsity team whose 热情, 的决心, and example have earned him the respect of both his teammates and his coaches.

女子大学高尔夫奖 is presented to that member of the varsity girls golf team who, 通过领导和榜样, 对团队精神贡献最大, 团结, 和成功.

这个奖项是为了纪念大卫·S. 鲍恩80, to that member of the boys junior varsity golf team who has shown the greatest interest in golf and who has exhibited good sportsmanship and the desire to improve.

由已故的乔治·W·布什总统捐赠. 花小. '11, 芝加哥, 伊利诺斯州, this award is given to the most valuable player on the boys varsity golf team.

由Roy C创立. 威尔科克斯, '12, 梅里登的, 康涅狄格, this award is presented to the player having the best batting average on the School baseball team.

这个奖项 is presented to a member of the varsity baseball team who has played with 精神 and 热情, 并且在赛季中进步最大.

由已故的Mr. 桑德斯, 克利夫兰的, 俄亥俄州, this award is presented to that member of the School baseball team who, in the opinion of the coaches and the Athletic Director, has been the most valuable to the team by his effort,