welcome新2登录 夏天门户 is looking forward to welcome you to our campus in 2024! Our residential programming runs in two two-week sessions; the first session runs from June 30 - July 13 and the second session runs from July 14 - 27. Students typically enroll in two courses, 每期一门课程, and stay for the entirety of our four-week program, though students may elect to participate in a single two-week session. Each day students are immersed in their academic course after which they enjoy a range of afternoon and evening activities such as intramural soccer, hiking, 篮球, crafts, swimming, bonfires or one of our specialized afternoon programs. Our picturesque 800-acre campus serves as both classroom and playground for 夏天门户 students. Course offerings and dates as well as course descriptions and tuition information are detailed below. 学费包括住宿费, board, 课程费用, 大部分的校内和校外活动, and technology and health center fees.


Coding & 软件工程

计算机科学 & 移动应用设计



Equity Is the Work: Writing for Justice








Writers & Writing

Speech & Debate

工作室艺术 - Drawing the Observed World

结构工程 - Aircraft Design


Specialized Afternoon Programs for Residential Students

Portals offers fun and enriching afternoon and evening activities as part of its tuition.
This year we are also offering specialized afternoon options for an additional fee. 这些选项包括:

Arsenal Afternoon Soccer  •  Nadal Afternoon Tennis •  Landscape Painting


Explore our partner-run programs with Concord Review, 拉法·纳达尔网球学院, 阿森纳足球, 和InSprit AI.
Ready to embark on your summer journey? 点击下面开始吧!



Spend each day immersed learning something that excites you — the arts, science, 文学, or debate — and find new friends who are just as passionate and curious as you are.

welcome新2登录 夏天门户 offers middle and high-school age students the opportunity to hone a talent or try something new while experiencing the unique learning community that is welcome新2登录. 在每两周的疗程中, our dedicated faculty members share their expertise and passion with students from all over the world. 

The school year may end, but the learning continues at 夏天门户. Whether you are a budding scientist, have the discerning eye of an artist or the desire to refine your voice as a writer, we hope you will join us and explore your interests.




Students from across the globe apply to our Connecticut summer program. Whether you're a current welcome新2登录 student or hail from the other side of the world, 这里有你的位置. Students have the chance to learn alongside peers from different backgrounds and nationalities. There's no better way to develop strong friendships with fellow students from around the world!

Learn by living in a community of friends:

  • Take part in a wide range of activities
  • Experience dorm life with the support of caring and fun teachers and advisors
  • 结交新朋友
  • Enjoy the lakes, trails, and woods of the Berkshire-Taconic landscape



传送门的学生来自哪里? 世界各地....
